The Perils of Copy Testing in Today’s Advertising Environment

Advertisers spend millions of dollars copy testing ad executions before in-market launch, often testing in rough stages to avoid producing a commercial that could potentially be a weak performer. This research investment is widely regarded as prudent, to ensure that the investment isn’t wasted on advertising that may not perform. However, for the copy testing investment to be sound, it has to result in good decisions – which means that the predictive metrics that are provided must be solid.

Unfortunately, the underlying principles upon which the major copy testing systems are built are no longer suited to today’s advertising environment. This mismatch between how advertising works and what copy testing measures has resulted in predictive margins of error so wide as to be nearly unacceptable. Copy testing can identify some of the losers but it gives far too many ill-performing ads a passing grade, resulting in millions, even billions, in wasted ad dollars.

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Author: Communicus

Communicus is an advertising research firm specializing in integrated campaign measurement solutions that isolate the impact of a brand’s advertising. For over 50 years, Communicus has partnered with Fortune 100 brand advertisers, providing research and consultation enabling brands to fully understand how to build more successful advertising and IMC campaigns, maximizing advertising’s impact on brand perceptions and behavior.

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