Media Post: JC Penney’s Turnaround: Focus On Hispanics, Social Media

MediaPost’s Marketing Daily recently published ‘JCPenney’s Turnaround: Focus on Hispanics, Social Media’ by Communicus President Jeri Smith. Communicus’ analysis from the first phase in our self-funded study revealed many interesting facts including the observation that Hispanics — particularly those who are less acculturated — are more than two times more likely to engage with retail brands across social media than Non-Hispanics. Considering the high potential to reach and persuade Hispanic women through social media, it would be wise for every brand, retailers and non-retailers alike, to create a targeted and culturally relevant social media strategy that ties in seamlessly with the brand’s broad-based advertising campaign.

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Author: Communicus

Communicus is an advertising research firm specializing in integrated campaign measurement solutions that isolate the impact of a brand’s advertising. For over 50 years, Communicus has partnered with Fortune 100 brand advertisers, providing research and consultation enabling brands to fully understand how to build more successful advertising and IMC campaigns, maximizing advertising’s impact on brand perceptions and behavior.

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