Fox Business: Are Super Bowl ads a waste of money?

See Communicus CEO Jeri Smith on Fox Business’s Money with Melissa Francis. Smith presents examples of Super Bowl 2013 ads that were included in Communicus’ annual Super Bowl Advertising Efficiency Survey. Smith cites key elements of the study and analyzes the  what made the featured commercials successful or unsuccessful. Brand advertisers focus more on creating an ad that is entertaining rather than incorporating integral elements of successful ads like brand awareness or purchase persuasion In fact, Smith finds that only one out of five ads result in product purchase. Maslansky + Partners CEO Michael Maslansky also joins the conversation.

Are Super Bowl ads a waste of money?

Jeri Smith on Fox Business

How's Your Advertising Working?

Author: Communicus

Communicus is an advertising research firm specializing in integrated campaign measurement solutions that isolate the impact of a brand’s advertising. For over 50 years, Communicus has partnered with Fortune 100 brand advertisers, providing research and consultation enabling brands to fully understand how to build more successful advertising and IMC campaigns, maximizing advertising’s impact on brand perceptions and behavior.

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