Understanding How Word-of-Mouth Marketing Builds Brands

As consumers increasingly opt out of traditional advertising, the role of word of mouth in building brands continues to expand. In the last-century, classic version of word of mouth conjured up images of housewives trading stain-removal tips over the back fence. Today, many marketers think of word of mouth as something that is largely online, and can be created via the development of share-worthy videos or by convincing influencers to blog about their brand. In fact, the truth lies somewhere in between.

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Author: Communicus

Communicus is an advertising research firm specializing in integrated campaign measurement solutions that isolate the impact of a brand’s advertising. For over 50 years, Communicus has partnered with Fortune 100 brand advertisers, providing research and consultation enabling brands to fully understand how to build more successful advertising and IMC campaigns, maximizing advertising’s impact on brand perceptions and behavior.

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