Cracking the Code of Consumer Decision-Making

The power of System 1 in advertising is that rare buzzed-about concept that lives up to its hype. Data and insights gleaned from Communicus’ years of measuring System 1 in advertising reveal just how vital these cognitive dynamics are for brands.

But in order to truly understand how people make decisions, it’s not enough to understand System 1 in marketing. Because System 1 doesn’t live in a vacuum, marketers must also have a grasp of the interplay between System 1 and System 2 dynamics. This combination is what gives brands an opening to win big with consumers. In her monthly column for The Drum, Communicus CEO Jeri Smith shines light on consumers’ cognitive dual processing and how brands can capitalize on it.

How's Your Advertising Working?

Author: Communicus

Communicus is an advertising research firm specializing in integrated campaign measurement solutions that isolate the impact of a brand’s advertising. For over 50 years, Communicus has partnered with Fortune 100 brand advertisers, providing research and consultation enabling brands to fully understand how to build more successful advertising and IMC campaigns, maximizing advertising’s impact on brand perceptions and behavior.

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